I have no idea what I'm going to share here, really, but welcome all the same!

Caution! Reconstruction in process! Some pages are dead ends or have dodgy css. Pages are a mix of mobile friendly and unfriendly. I'm gradually doing over the site, but not taking it offline for dignity as i do so so you'll just have to tread carefully!

📵 is for pages not yet optimised for mobile and ⚠ is an accessibility warning symbol. ✨ means something is new!

Click to explore the house!

or navigate with the link-list!

Victor Hugo



Single Pages

re-encountering the older internet is like re-learning your mother tongue, like you've been away for many years and you're suddenly very self aware of being different than your actual mother who speaks with fluency and uses words you've forgotten. deargoodness, have you noticed what a skill it is to contribute to dreamwidth and forums? It's sort of astonishing, a different kind of noticing and a different kind of awakeness - not smog, not drifting, but actual presence - and the absolute horror of realising you can't click like and you're going to have to...write an actual response. like just "I notice you" is not enough, you've got to think a little bit, not grazing or consuming, and deargoodness you have to find something to say. For all that social media is supposedly social, I find the conscious work of replying to my DW friends posts, like, i have to put time aside for it like you would an email.

I'm passionate about Bob Fisher's Haunted Generation and through that, read Marianne Dreams. I'm reminded of it because Mark, a little boy with polio, is struggling to relearn the use of his legs - which is rather what this is like. Something I could once do but have forgotten how. But perhaps that comes to me because Marianne Dreams is about a bedbound girl who draws a house, and whenever she dreams the house is where she goes - and she meets Mark there, another real person, but one who is somehow sharing the dream she created.

Welcome, stranger, to the house I drew.


New Content (January 2025)


  • Began removing meta tags from the header to make embeds on twitter, because ew
Older Updates

New Content (April 2024)


  • Started using the Neocities CLI (much more motivating to work on little errors!)
  • Sort-of fixed the issue that header text fonts couldn't be read by exhanging them for differently illegible fonts
  • The Roast Jack now has a decent layout
  • Overhauled my writing quickstart layout
  • Removed googlefonts from blisspages
  • Sticky sidebar breakpoint now better optimised for inbetweensizes of screen
  • Made blisspage sidebar more muted
  • make a fonts page
  • image alt text on blisspages
  • replace google fonts
  • replace twitter cards
  • Do the padding trick on blisspages
  • add gradientmaker code
  • Choose a h2 font (more legible)
  • Check H1s correct on blisspages

to de-google

  • Arts
  • club narcissus
  • backroom
  • dogweasel
  • hallowzine
  • hernani
  • mis
  • single pages
  • Coming soon: DIY Dungeon scenery
  • how to change your mind
  • CARI pages
  • film log
Page Credits
  • linkable house graphic by Cottage Row Graphics. omg, i thought these were so cool when i was nine, so thank you for making my dreams come true.
  • layout adapted from eggramen - i've made it mobilefriendly
  • Problem-solving for mobile friendly update thanks to code & learning from Every Layout

Credits for Club Narcissus include: