Links for Websites
Here are my favourite resources for making neocities websites with!
I've made this list for myself mostly, because it's easier to check a site with a nice layout than delve into my bookmarks.
My Tutorials
- Use your Bookmarks! - how and why
- Perfect Padding - responsive padding that shrinks to nothing on mobile
- Organisational Advice - how to set up your website for success
- Music on your site with a hidden youtube autoplay video
- Px to Rem - use scales to quickly adapt a layout in px to look good on any screen
- Ideas for your personal website at the 32bit Cafe
My Layouts
- Visit for basic, utilitarian code
My Code
- Last Updated - display when a webpage was last updated
- Time Wallpaper - add a day/night cycle to your website
- Gradient Maker - make a custom gradient pattern for cross stitch, knitting, crochet etc.
My CSS skills are a work in progress; I much prefer editing a layout someone else has pre-made. Which is the traditional way of doing it, retro kids. If you right-click, View Source you can see the HTML code of a website to check out features you might like to copy for your own site. Back in the day, the best layout-makers would have a list of rules as long as your arm, so check what creators are OK with. But basically, starting with someone else's stuff and tinkering with it for your own is the best way to learn!
- Eggramen - simple, clear, my perfect kind of layouts, lovely for text, really good for editing
- Tentacool's Directory - great selection of layouts, plus coding help, simple-yet-timeless
- strip it down coding - in use on this site for the Hernani dating profiles
- Repth - nostalgia-inducing for the 00s, but still quite clean and elegant layouts from a neocities user
- List of layout sites for neopets petsites!
- Erik Houdini
- Lovely Designs - very old-school 00s layouts, sorted by div/table/iframe as you prefer
- Sadgrl's layout builder - for laying out a basic grid of boxes to get started with
- AlmostSweet - couple of tumblr/LJ-looking layouts
- 102 Patterns - little code snippets in pure CSS, in a modern style
- StyleStage and CSS Zen Garden - showcases for CSS layouts.
- CSS Challenges - Codepen has a set of challenge codes, in this case teaching CSS concepts.
- Templatesss - Neocities with some fun static page layouts
- Tess Is A Mess - Insanejournal with a selection of html layouts for RP games, some intense skill here
- Within My World - small collection of html layouts
- Neat CSS - a teeny tiny set of css rules to make websites that look nice, classic and basic
- CSS Box Shadows - quick copy & paste templates
- Free Frontend - index of code snippets
- SmolCSS - tiny bits of code for solving design problems.
- 4 Required Tests before Shipping New Features
- WebAIM Colour Contrast Checker - for accessibility
- Color Oracle - view your site as if color blind
- Google Webfont Helper - replace google fonts with the same but self-hosted
- Brad's Terrible Ideas - code snippets that will do awful, awful things on your site, like blinking and shuddering and blurring text.
- f(o)0nt - a collection of pixel fonts, ideal for making mini artworks with
- Fontcity - neocities site hosting fonts for your site
- Font Library
- The League of Moveable Type
- Omnibus Type
- RitualDust's font collection - some gorgeous choices!
My layout doesn't work correctly unless I have included a long line of arbitrary text in each box
- Bonnibel's pixel collection
- Gifcities - Search engine for gifs straight from geocities via wayback machine
Cool Web Culture Stuff
- The Internet In A Box - mini-computer you can buy or build, for accessing essential internet sites off-grid
- Alternatives to Bloatware by mayfrost
- Open source, experimental, and tiny tools roundup by everestpipkin
- - really inspiring set of projects and philosophies for tiny web tools and reducing power use