Links for Websites

Here are my favourite resources for making neocities websites with!

I've made this list for myself mostly, because it's easier to check a site with a nice layout than delve into my bookmarks.

My Tutorials

My Layouts

  • Visit for basic, utilitarian code

My Code

  • Last Updated - display when a webpage was last updated
  • Time Wallpaper - add a day/night cycle to your website
  • Gradient Maker - make a custom gradient pattern for cross stitch, knitting, crochet etc.


My CSS skills are a work in progress; I much prefer editing a layout someone else has pre-made. Which is the traditional way of doing it, retro kids. If you right-click, View Source you can see the HTML code of a website to check out features you might like to copy for your own site. Back in the day, the best layout-makers would have a list of rules as long as your arm, so check what creators are OK with. But basically, starting with someone else's stuff and tinkering with it for your own is the best way to learn!





My layout doesn't work correctly unless I have included a long line of arbitrary text in each box


Cool Web Culture Stuff
